
The Artist Uprising Putting Seattle On The Map

“There’s no protectiveness or competitiveness. We’re all really open with our resources, vendors, press contacts. There’s real camaraderie. The attitude is, ‘let’s get us all on the map.’ We’re all in this together.” - Devin Montgomery 

So much has happened in the last month, that I almost don’t know where to begin! I had the privilege of meeting with Eric Anderson, Chef at Brunswick and Hunt, which was the first of many times that it came to my attention that some Seattle publications are really not giving the type of love they should be to the talented creatives in our region. If you know me, then you know this just won’t do. I am determined to contribute to what I believe is a new artist uprising that is putting Seattle on the map. Just as I believe every industry is open for disruption, I also believe the narrow idea that Seattle is rain, coffee, grunge and technology, is no longer enough to characterize this region. It’s time for businesses to pay attention to what is brewing in their own backyard, and to stop outsourcing what creatives and entrepreneurs in Seattle can do brilliantly.

“The future belongs to a different kind of person with a different kind of mind: artists, inventors, storytellers - creative and holistic right brain thinkers whose abilities mark the fault line between who gets ahead and who doesn’t.” - Daniel Pink

When I first met Aaron Hicks, clothing designer for YaJoe, he gave me the greatest compliment ever “If I ever design a womenswear line you would me my muse”, little did he know that a couple months later I would ask him to collaborate with me to create my dream of a modern artist smock. I love fashion but for quite some time I have contemplated Gertrude Stein’s quote “You can either buy clothes or pictures”. Your clothing and jewelry are a part of your armor for stepping into the world feeling empowered, as though you could seriously kick ass! I mean have you seen Shannon Koszyk's Audaces Fortuna Invat (Fortune Favors The Bold) ring?! Every day I want to be able to costume myself in a way that feels like I am imbued with a magical superpower. This past week I had the privilege of collaborating with Aaron to develop the first uncommon artist smock. I am BUBBLING OVER WITH EXCITEMENT to be wearing the uncommon artist smock in today’s photo shoot which I have produced in collaboration with some brilliant local creatives for The Ruins. Please follow @uncommoncartography and @the_ruins for a sneak peek.

“The really important kind of freedom involves attention and awareness and discipline and effort and being able to truly care about other people and to sacrifice for them, over and over, in a myriad of petty little unsexy ways every day.”  - David Foster Wallace

A final note, many of you may have noticed the series of uncommon collaborations I have been producing. The collaborations are an outflow of my desire to take artists and industries to the next level. These artists have been sharing their talents to help each other fill in their gaps and reach the brands they most desire to work with (because none of us can do it all). The collaborators have been developing some serious social capital and momentum. It has taken a couple of months, but we have begun to see new doors opening and paid projects being locked in as a result of our collaborations. If you would be interested in being featured in a future collaboration, please email me at  

Let's Do This!


Ps: As part of our brand refresh for The Ruins in Seattle, I am coordinating a series of events (popups, artist showcases, industry events). If you are interested in participating in a pop-up, showcase, etc. or you know an entrepreneur or creative trying to get to the next level in their career, please email me at

No. 03: Uncommon Collaboration - Taco Tuesday

Taco Tuesday 2

“When people chase what they love, they will inevitably seek out and immerse themselves in knowledge flows, drinking deeply from new creative wells even as they contribute their own experiences and insights along the way.” ― John Seely Brown, The Power of Pull

Our fish taco collaboration was decided upon because we had some fish leftover from another client shoot. Unfortunately, by the time we got around to using the fish the freezer had attacked it. Let me just take a second here to highlight how wonderful it is to collaborate with people who are not easily frustrated or stumped when facing challenges. The team immediately engaged a new plan and was able to find some fresh fish at a nearby market.

Taco Tuesday 3

In addition to being well networked, active on social media, and flexible, our collaborations seek to include individuals from different fields of expertise. This diversity is encouraged in Steven Johnson's book "Where Good Ideas Comes From":

"The entrepreneurs who built bridges outside of their islands were able to borrow or co-opt new ideas from these external environments and put them to use in a new context." - Steven Johnson, Where Great Ideas Come From

Taco Tuesday 4

By bringing together people from different industries we are able to not only challenge and encourage each other, we are also able to share edge ideas from our unique fields which others might be able to adapt to their own businesses. Our collaborators exchange information around marketing, technology, photography, video, and so much more! This free exchange of information is fostered by the fact we each have the mindset that we are hustling to put Seattle on the creative map. So the next time you meet someone from a different industry, see them through the lens of connections, there is treasure hidden in the person who stands before you. Also, I would encourage you to not be reluctant sharing ideas and information. Don't be fearful of competition, because the way I see it, the more you give the more you grow.

"But that secrecy, as we have seen, comes with great cost. Protecting ideas from copycats and competitors also protects them from other ideas that might improve them, might transform them from hints and hunches to true innovations. " - Steven Johnson, Where Great Ideas Come From

CollaboratorsMatt Broussard: @acooknamedmatt (Taco Creator!)Josiah Michael: @josiahmichael (Taco Tuesday Photographer)Kaleb Norman James: @kalebnormanjames (Tablescape Design)Esther Maria Swaty: @uncommoncartography (Collaboration Producer)Sarah Flotard: @sflotard (Guest/Food photographer)Megan Little: @meganmlittle (Guest/Fashion blogger)C. Wells Style: @cwellsstyle (Guest /Fashion blogger)Lauren Caron: @laurenlcaron (Guest/Interior designer)

BrandsVoss: @vossworld (used in Lemongrass Tempura Cod Taco Recipe)World Market: @worldmarket (table setting) Original New York Seltzer: @originalnewyorkseltzer (on the table)

If you need content for your website, social media, or an upcoming product launch please feel free to email me at and I can make sure to connect you with cost efficient resources that will capture your product story and showcase it in a compelling way.

No. 02 - Uncommon Collaboration: Wine & Pizza

“Great thinking partners aren’t echo chambers - they bring well-stocked minds, new perspective, and challenge.” - Margaret Heffernan When looking to work with a brand, we do thorough research to uncover a problem that we can solve. If the brand does not have a problem that we can solve, then we move on to other richer prospects. As an artist or entrepreneur, your time is valuable, so it is incredibly important to measure your return on investment. Identify the brands that you want to work with, then experiment with different approaches.

kaleb and pizza

The Wine and Pizza shoot was the first time an Uncommon Collaboration featured a brand. Josiah Michael approached Precept Wine’s PR and Social Media Coordinator, to see if Precept had a label they needed photography for. We were in luck; they were looking to get new images for their Canoe Ridge wine, from a winery in Walla Walla.


When putting together a collaboration I consider who is a part of the Seattle Uprising, you know that rising tide of creatives that are putting in the work to stand apart from the rest of the crowd? We have learned for these collaborations that it is helpful if collaborators are well networked and active on social media, this provides the greatest exposure for the brands and fellow collaborators. Also, when selecting our collaborators we really consider the energy that they will bring, because we want an amazing experience for everyone who is participating.

party on the roof

The pizza and wine collaboration went even better than we could have imagined! Not only did all of the collaborators receive great photography and exposure, but this kicked off a great partnership between us and Precept Wine. Make sure to check out the final product on Canoe Ridge's Instagram account :)



Precept Wine - Canoe Ridge

If you need content for your website, social media, or an upcoming product launch please feel free to email me at and I can make sure to connect you with cost efficient resources that will capture your product story and showcase it in a compelling way.

No. 01 - Uncommon Collaboration: Matt Broussard and Danny Owens

“We are not our brother’s keeper.. in countless large and small ways we are our brother’s maker.” - Harry and Bonarvo Overstreet, Originals I first met Seattle cook and Instagram influencer, Matt Broussard (@cooknamedmatt), via a comment on Instagram, followed by us inboxing each other that “we should collaborate” at the same moment. When I met Matt a few days later at Elm Coffee Roasters, I appreciated how down to earth he was. Since the meeting, we have worked together on a series of projects, which many of you have seen on Instagram. Now I want to share the story of how these collaborations started and how they continue to evolve. I firmly believe the collaborative model in one that you can apply in your city for greater traction and exposure as artists and entrepreneurs.

Typically, when I first meet an artist or business, I do a quick assessment (many times this happens before even consciously planning to), I look at their appearance, their social media aesthetic, and engagement, as well as their website, and any products they might be offering/selling. I am drawn to problems that need to be solved and collaborating with individuals and companies who are working outside of the mainstream, who are scrappy, who have a product with potential, and who are working their asses off to make their dreams come true (not just waiting for success to come to them).

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Matt I have learned is someone who seriously knows how to hustle. He works long hours at Palace Kitchen before coming home to cook, write recipes and blogs until 2-3am. His work ethic is a great example of dedication and discipline. When I first reviewed his social media and website, I could see that he was consistently producing, which I believe is a crucial key to success. It is somewhat easy to be captured by a spark of inspiration, but to always put out work is a whole different story. Many artists and creatives struggle with the ebb and flow of inspiration, and therefore find it challenging to keep producing and create momentum. When we get producing down to a discipline, the immediate challenge we face is upping our level of excellence (we must produce at an elite level to compete). For many passions are a side hustle, and they have to be careful about the time and financial investments that they make. But the reality is that even though many of us wear multiple hats, there is someone who can either help train us to take what we are producing to the next level or who can partner with us, in a mutually beneficial way, to get to the next plane.

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Now you may be wondering where Danny Owens comes onto the scene?! Danny is a client of mine who is a photographer and creative director. I knew that Danny was looking to do more work in the food industry, and from our discussion, I knew that Matt could use some help with the photography he was creating to go alongside his recipes. I made an intro and set a date to collaborate. A week later we woke Matt up a little earlier than he may have liked, but he whipped up a mouthwatering steak with macadamia butter, fennel, beet cream, chorizo oil. Food is perhaps the best way to begin any new partnership. Stay tuned for more stories about collaboration.

“As people innovate and learn faster, they help to generate new waves of performance improvement for everybody while progressing toward their own higher goals.” - The Power of Pull, John Hagel III

If you need content for your website, social media, or an upcoming product launch please feel free to email me at and I can make sure to connect you with cost efficient resources that will capture your products story and showcase it in a compelling way.

Images By: Esther Maria Swaty and Danny Owens


With Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram, we expected there would be changes and the recently announced updates definitely have artists, startups and small businesses concerned. Many articles have covered the changes (here, here and here). All I will say is that I believe that this could have a very negative affect on artists, startups and small businesses who may not have a sizable “corporate marketing budget”. Because these individuals and businesses might not be able to afford advertising or boosted posts - the concern is whether their content will continue to be seen and engaged with. Just like we have seen a diminishing use of Facebook by artists and small businesses, this change highlights a growing need for a new platform. I am watching and waiting as I am sure are many of you. Will the new platform be SnapChat? Or is some grand disruptor incubating in a unicorn startup out there? Btw: Has anyone found a way around the fact that Instagram does not let you search hashtag + location for engagement with your target audience?

“Being original doesn’t require being first. It just means being different and better.” - Adam Grant

Until The New Platform Arrives, What Do We Do? You take advantage of every resource at your fingertips to develop rich engagement with your audience. Also, don’t put all of your effort and engagement into one location. Experiment with other platforms such as twitter, snapchat, and periscope.

Highlight Momentum  People want to know influencers, follow trend setters and be a part of innovation. Invite people into the story of you and your brand. Keep your audience updated on the cool stuff you are working on, by sharing your process (not just the final product).

Share Rich Content  Many small businesses, fashion bloggers, etc. cannot afford photo shoots to keep their social media fresh. If you can’t afford a photo shoot, consider supplementing your feed with stock photography.

Stock Photo Websites - Pay  Twenty20: $225 a month (billed annually), 25 images a month Stocksy: individual images that cost between $10 to $100 Adobe Stock Images: limited time offer - Get 10 free Adobe Stock Images iStockPhoto: 25 images a month, between $65-$149

Stock Photo Websites - Public Domain & Creative Commons Zero - Free  Public Domain Archive: free for personal or commercial use. Pixabay: large database of public domain images New Old Stock: vintage photos Unsplash: 10 high quality photos released every 10 days. Flickr Creative Commons: make sure to select “public domain

Experiment With Hashtags Before posting take the opportunity to review trending hashtags and see if your content fits into any of the trending categories. Experiment and test which hashtags increase engagement with your content. Some hashtags that are currently trending: #thatsdarling, #darlingmovement, #darlingweekend.

I hope you find these tips to be helpful. Wishing you a wonderful a week filled with growth + momentum!

By: Esther Maria Swaty