
Art + Technology Synthesis: Feature Friday, Artist In Residence Program, and More!

“Finding and keeping talent is a hot topic across the Puget Sound region. More than 25,000 technology jobs in the state have remained open for at least six months.” - Puget Sound Business Journal, Feb 4, 2016

There is something unique bubbling up in Seattle at the intersection of art and technology. Employers have realized that they need to do more to attract and retain talent, as well as sustain a culture of experimentation in their companies. Innovation does not happen in a silo, the more an individual is exposed to new ideas and industries the greater the opportunity for adaptation. Artists have a unique skill set and are seeking new ways to engage in a city which has undergone a massive transformation in the last 5-10 years.

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As part of efforts to connect the local art and technology communities, I have been working on a series of events and projects. This past Friday, I collaborated with Nick Hughes of FoundersLIVE to host Feature Friday at The RUINS. The startup community converged, and it was exciting to see a new energy fill the magical venue.


In addition to this event, I have applied for a 4Culture grant for the development of an Art & Technology Innovation Program which would equip artists with the marketing and innovation tools needed to work with tech organizations. In recent years, we have seen National Parks to Facebook, to Autodesk, and Amtrak successfully launch artist in residence programs.


The Art & Tech Innovation Program would have a twofold purpose. First, the grant would create an Artist Innovation Marketing Tool Kit to empower artists to monetize their work and engage in today’s technology driven world. Second, this grant would fund the development of an Artist In Residence program geared towards bridging the relationship between artist and local technology companies. Who knows what synthesis could happen as these communities connect in a deeper way!


If you are interested in participating in the Artist In Residence program or would like to learn more, please email me at

Let's do this!


3 Ways Hiring A Coach Will Make Your Business More Successful

It's September and if you are like me you are probably thinking to yourself SHIT! where has there year gone. Not that we haven't accomplished amazing things this year, but the pressure is really on now to end strong. The challenge can be you may feel stuck or stagnant, either lacking direction or feeling overwhelmed by everything that needs to happen in your business by the end of the year. Because as creatives, entrepreneurs and small businesses owners, let's be honest -- we wear a lot of hats! So I am writing to encourage you to consider signing up for three months of coaching, to help you get your marketing, strategy and social media in order for 2017. Here are the reasons I see that have helped my clients, and which you can benefit from:

Everyone has creativity in them. It's just a matter of unlocking that creativity. - Christina Canters

  1. Provides A Sounding Board: You may have a lot on your mind, and not even know where to begin. A coach is a sounding board for you, helping you to prioritize so as to not lose momentum or miss opportunities in the midst of all that is happening.
  2. Creates Room To Explore New Ideas: If what you have been trying this year has not worked, then it's time to experiment and pivot. A coach can help you review what you have done, expose connections and next steps.
  3. Removes Barriers: Whether they are mental barriers that are limiting growth, skills gaps or lack of bandwidth. A coach can help you identify collaborators, resources, and strategies to bridge the gaps and pave the way for greater business growth.

Please contact to schedule your free 30-minute coaching consultation. I want to help you position for success in 2017!


You can be hustling away, but if you are not sharing what you are creating then it’s virtually impossible to grow your audience. As freelancer, entrepreneur, an individual in the gig/project based economy, I know that I have to put work out there in order to get more work. So I wanted to share with you a couple of the sites/tools which I have found helpful for doing this. CALENDAR

Social media can be a bit overwhelming, but if you make a plan then it is much easier to stay consistent, which is a major KEY to growing your online presence.

Content Calendar:  It's important that your content be relevant and shareable. Reviewing a content calendar before mapping out your social media strategy helps you make sure your content will be in the right place, at the right time which will increase the odds of exposure.

Passion Planner: I have found having a physical calendar really allows me to map out my content. Also, if you are someone who works with affiliates, they have a buy three get one program.


A big challenge that artists and small businesses face is getting fresh content for use in their social media, website and marketing materials. Here are two sources for FREE content, start taking advantage of them today to grow your online presence.

The New York Public Library – Public Domain Images: Did you know that more than 180,000 of the items in the New York Public Library Digital Collections are in the public domain? These images are free for you to share and reuse.

Unsplash: Free Stock Photos: A great source for free stock photos. You can either explore the site, or choose to sign up to have 10 hi-res photos delivered to your inbox every 10 days.


Once you have images, now what do you do?

WordSwag: If you are not a designer but like sharing tips, quotes, etc. This is an app you should download asap. It’s a great solution until you can afford to work with a designer. Once again just remember your brand aesthetic and try to be consistent with the styles you choose.

Photoshop Express: Allows you to make easy touch ups to photos you have taken.

Layout: It’s important to spice up the number of photos you are posting. The layout app allows you to lay out multiple photos in a simple way.


One way to stand apart from your competitors is to position yourself as a thought leader, this can be done by writing blogs and articles. In addition to writing, you can also be a source that others turn to for trends and fresh content. Create and grow your online presence in minutes by publishing curated content.


If we have ever set down to discuss your social media, you will know there are a couple of items that I continually FOCUS on: aesthetic, consistency, experimentation and measurement. The following tools allow you to schedule your posts and experiment, then provides you with the data to see what did and didn’t work.

Hootsuite: This tool allows you to save time and be strategic with your social media. The free plan lets you: monitor and engage in every conversation, schedule messages and measure social media growth.

Crowdfire: Helps you to keep track of how your social media updates affect your follower/unfollower stats.

Note: If you are reading this post about social media, then I want to make sure you have also heard about the Instagram's recent feature update, Instagram Stories. This is Instagram's response to Snapchat and could turn out to be a very competitive move.


With Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram, we expected there would be changes and the recently announced updates definitely have artists, startups and small businesses concerned. Many articles have covered the changes (here, here and here). All I will say is that I believe that this could have a very negative affect on artists, startups and small businesses who may not have a sizable “corporate marketing budget”. Because these individuals and businesses might not be able to afford advertising or boosted posts - the concern is whether their content will continue to be seen and engaged with. Just like we have seen a diminishing use of Facebook by artists and small businesses, this change highlights a growing need for a new platform. I am watching and waiting as I am sure are many of you. Will the new platform be SnapChat? Or is some grand disruptor incubating in a unicorn startup out there? Btw: Has anyone found a way around the fact that Instagram does not let you search hashtag + location for engagement with your target audience?

“Being original doesn’t require being first. It just means being different and better.” - Adam Grant

Until The New Platform Arrives, What Do We Do? You take advantage of every resource at your fingertips to develop rich engagement with your audience. Also, don’t put all of your effort and engagement into one location. Experiment with other platforms such as twitter, snapchat, and periscope.

Highlight Momentum  People want to know influencers, follow trend setters and be a part of innovation. Invite people into the story of you and your brand. Keep your audience updated on the cool stuff you are working on, by sharing your process (not just the final product).

Share Rich Content  Many small businesses, fashion bloggers, etc. cannot afford photo shoots to keep their social media fresh. If you can’t afford a photo shoot, consider supplementing your feed with stock photography.

Stock Photo Websites - Pay  Twenty20: $225 a month (billed annually), 25 images a month Stocksy: individual images that cost between $10 to $100 Adobe Stock Images: limited time offer - Get 10 free Adobe Stock Images iStockPhoto: 25 images a month, between $65-$149

Stock Photo Websites - Public Domain & Creative Commons Zero - Free  Public Domain Archive: free for personal or commercial use. Pixabay: large database of public domain images New Old Stock: vintage photos Unsplash: 10 high quality photos released every 10 days. Flickr Creative Commons: make sure to select “public domain

Experiment With Hashtags Before posting take the opportunity to review trending hashtags and see if your content fits into any of the trending categories. Experiment and test which hashtags increase engagement with your content. Some hashtags that are currently trending: #thatsdarling, #darlingmovement, #darlingweekend.

I hope you find these tips to be helpful. Wishing you a wonderful a week filled with growth + momentum!

By: Esther Maria Swaty