founders live

Art + Technology Synthesis: Feature Friday, Artist In Residence Program, and More!

“Finding and keeping talent is a hot topic across the Puget Sound region. More than 25,000 technology jobs in the state have remained open for at least six months.” - Puget Sound Business Journal, Feb 4, 2016

There is something unique bubbling up in Seattle at the intersection of art and technology. Employers have realized that they need to do more to attract and retain talent, as well as sustain a culture of experimentation in their companies. Innovation does not happen in a silo, the more an individual is exposed to new ideas and industries the greater the opportunity for adaptation. Artists have a unique skill set and are seeking new ways to engage in a city which has undergone a massive transformation in the last 5-10 years.

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As part of efforts to connect the local art and technology communities, I have been working on a series of events and projects. This past Friday, I collaborated with Nick Hughes of FoundersLIVE to host Feature Friday at The RUINS. The startup community converged, and it was exciting to see a new energy fill the magical venue.


In addition to this event, I have applied for a 4Culture grant for the development of an Art & Technology Innovation Program which would equip artists with the marketing and innovation tools needed to work with tech organizations. In recent years, we have seen National Parks to Facebook, to Autodesk, and Amtrak successfully launch artist in residence programs.


The Art & Tech Innovation Program would have a twofold purpose. First, the grant would create an Artist Innovation Marketing Tool Kit to empower artists to monetize their work and engage in today’s technology driven world. Second, this grant would fund the development of an Artist In Residence program geared towards bridging the relationship between artist and local technology companies. Who knows what synthesis could happen as these communities connect in a deeper way!


If you are interested in participating in the Artist In Residence program or would like to learn more, please email me at

Let's do this!
